Radio 4 Brainport

Radio 4 Brainport on the map

Radio 4 Brainport targets the international community in the Brainport region, by offering entertainment and information on all kinds of activities, with a focus on culture, innovation and research.

Radio 4 Brainport

  • facilitates the communication between various organizations working for and with the international community in the region;
  • links with educational institutions, such as the Technical University Eindhoven and Fontys, to enable interesting challenges related to radio technology and software programming to their students;
  • has the ambition to become an exchange hub for audio material related to activities in Brainport and similar regions in the world, thereby promoting the region worldwide.

“I am not a tourist”: The Expat Event

students broad

The “i am not a tourist” Expat Fair Eindhoven is the biggest event for internationals living, working, studying or setting up a business in the South of the Netherlands.