The aerodynamics of cycling: faster descents

Scientific research that is being quoted over and over again? Prof. Bert Blocken’s insights on how win seconds in a cycling race, how to descent faster or on what position to take in a platoon have a profound impact of the big tours and races. Radio 4 Brainport visited this unique research facility at TU Eindhoven.
listen to our podcast Cyclists win by training in a windtunnel
Forecasting the Air Quality in every City Street?
Predicting turbulent air flows is hard. Eindhoven University of Technology has a unique wind tunnel that can experimentally simulate air flows. Although these new aerodynamic insights in cycling sport have been covered widely in the media, the insights on wind forces, on the spread of pollution, such as particulate matter (fijnstof) are also of high societal relevance. Radio 4 Brainport asked Prof. Bert Blocken to elaborate on what we can learn from wind tunnel experiments.
Podcast: Air Quality