Hourly DutchNews.nl headlines on Radio 4 Brainport

Today Dutchnews.nl and Radio 4 Brainport expanded their cooperation with the introduction of hourly headline news bulletins, which can be heard at about 30 minutes past the hour. This is the first in a number of enhancements Radio 4 Brainport has planned to provide its listeners with even better coverage of international, national and local news items. A more elaborate weather report is part of the effort as well.
“We are very happy to be able to provide our listeners with up to date news from the Netherlands, supplied by the capable staff of Dutchnews.nl ” according to Jean-Paul Linnartz, Radio 4 Brainport’s program director. “This in addition to the lively discussion of the week’s news from the Netherlands every Saturday morning at 11 in the Dutchnews.nl podcast”.