Ultimate “inburgering”: a New Year’s Dive

Nothing better than a dive into the sea on New Year’s Day? Ralu Nistor-Lustermans tried it our for herself. To Jean-Paul Linnartz of Radio 4 Brainport she disclosed that it really gives fresh energy for the whole year. Cool!
Ralu writes about this; For decades the Nordics, celebrate the New Year by taking a dive into the freezing water of the Nordic Sea. I used to watch this event on TV and think, what a bunch of crazy people! This year, instead of watching it from the side-line, I (and one of my sons) decided to be one of those crazy people , we joined and dived in …….what an amazing experience……..physically and mentally refreshed! As we all dive into 2023, let’s make sure that no matter what our goals and aspirations are for this year, we prioritise our wellbeing, our mental health and we are kind to ourselves and others. Embrace the challenges 2023 will bring, take a
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