- facilitates the communication between various organizations working for and with the international community in the region;
- links with educational institutions, such as the Technical University Eindhoven and Fontys, to enable interesting challenges related to radio technology and software programming to their students;
- has the ambition to become an exchange hub for audio material related to activities in Brainport and similar regions in the world, thereby promoting the region worldwide.
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Radio 4 Brainport

Radio 4 Brainport targets the international community in the Brainport region, by offering entertainment and information on all kinds of activities, with a focus on culture, innovation and research.
Radio 4 Brainport
Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Lifestyle and the best music

Radio 4 Brainport offers a wide variety of topics and items. Not only on technology but also about how to enjoy the region.
Radio 4 Brainport on air via DAB+, 747 and 828 AM
Innovation in Making a Radio Program

Today’s digital technology provides many opportunities for new ways of making a radio program. The idea is to extensively rely social media, the cloud and studio automation software. The vision is to make presenting a radio show as easy as posting a message on Facebook.
Jean-Paul Linnartz, professor in the Signal Processing Systems group of the faculty of EE started testing this concept in 2015 with a team of former radio colleagues who previously worked with regional broadcasters in the Netherlands and in Belgium. The Meuse-Rhine Euroregion and the Province of Limburg sponsored this to try out innovative ideas for “the inverted Studio”, that is, to run a radio station in the cloud, while the radio team is mainly on the move, uploading their programs or news clips from a pub, from their office, from home, basically from anywhere imaginable. The concept has partly been borrowed from the 3TU (currently 4TU) Education Innovation ambition of an “inverted classroom”, in which teachers spend less time in lecturing but devote more time to interaction.
Broadcast License for Radio Station

Radio 4 Brainport is a non-profit organization that aims at the international and internationally-oriented community in the high tech region Brainport.
In 2016, the Dutch telecom and media authorities, Agentschap Telecom and the Commissariaat van de Media, respectively, issued a broadcast license for a radio station in Eindhoven. The initiative to launch the new station is taken by Prof. Jean-Paul Linnartz: “Eindhoven is unique because of its world class innovation and its large population of students and foreign workers in the high tech industry. We will target this audience with an attractive dedicated format”.
Many universities have their own radio station, mostly run by students. RWTH Aachen has its Hochschulradio covering the city of Aachen and in Leuven, SCROPIO is an alternative student FM radio station. In the US and the UK, most universities have their own college radio station. While TU Eindhoven pioneered in the 1990’s with one of the first streaming internet radio stations, we do not have a student radio station on campus. This new station will differ from a typical college station, as it targets a broader international community in Eindhoven. It is scouting students that are willing to participate in its programming and to create an appealing program for Dutch and international students. The initiative is not only looking for enthusiastic DJs and program hosts but also for people who can create dedicated scripts and apps to get radio items ON AIR via the cloud. Moreover it is establishing contacts with, for instance, several student organizations.
If you are interested, if you like to have more information, or if you want to contribute in any way, feel free to contact j.p.linnartz at tue nl